Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Weave Does Meagan Good H

What women do everything wrong ...

enter their children in the nursery, they are bad mothers.
Stay at home, they became after the cooking pot.
Use make-up they wear, it war paint.
they use none, they neglect their appearance.
do it to claim without work, they have no ambition.
Are they qualified tasks, they are married to their profession. Show
they feel, they are Crybabies.
mastering them, they are icebergs.
Are they helpful, they are exploited.
Take care only about their own work, they are unkollegial.
they are very attractive, they hold their colleagues from work.
they are not, they are considered insignificant. Are they
power women complains they Emanze.
If they adjusted, they lack the pepper.
Are they intelligent, they may not show it.
they are not, they must at least be attractive.
Come with flu in the work, they stuck to the other.
Stay at home, they lie about everything to bed. Do they
Mini disturb the industrial peace. Maxi
wearing them, they probably have varicose veins
Mondays Are they tired, you blaspheme.
they are fresh as a daisy, you also blasphemes.
they like to go out, they are party girls who drink.
Stay at home, they are regarded as a wallflower. If they
drinkers, they drink all the men under the table.
not drink it is to them what to do.
strips them much, they lose their charm. Do they
little, they lose the position.

I've read today from someone and was hit somehow. So many demands are made, as women, men and children and how to do it it's wrong. How should you behave there?

So I would prefer to stay but as I am a little Out of Control as I found out with Angela, or at least actually quite normal!!


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